- Maven
- Java 7 SDK
- RabbitMQ (Instructions provided below)
1. Checkout from Github
2. RabbitMQ
As described in the Hydra Readme.mdown
Hydra uses rabbitmq for low volume commands and control message exchanges. On a modern Linux systems
apt-get install rabbitmq-server
and running with the default settings is adequate in most cases.
For Mac OS (my environment), I used Homebrew to install it. Super easy to setup Homebrew if you haven’t before, just open a Terminal and run:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)"
Following the instructions given by RabbitMQ, you double-check your brew is up-to-date ($ brew update
), then install it with $ brew install rabbitmq
Quick Note: RabbitMQ scripts are installed into your /usr/local/sbin
directory. This is likely not on your PATH (check with echo $PATH
), so to add it just edit the .bash_profile
or .profile
in your home directory to add or modify export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin
The server can then be started with rabbitmq-server
, but it will take over your window. You can also run rabbitmq-server -detached
to have it in the background.
To stop the server, run rabbitmqctl stop
. rabbitmqctl status
will tell you if it is running.
For a single-node installation, FL-COW isn’t necessary and this step can be skipped.
fl-cow is used because hard links (think shortcuts) exist within the replicated data, and we don’t want to muck up the originals while mucking with a copy. So it performs a COW (Copy On Write). Installation instructions were tricky to find, so here they are:
- Set the FLCOW_PATH (the same way as for rabbitmq). This will control which paths are subject to COWing, so point it to your working data directory or directories (comma-separated):
export FLCOW_PATH=/Users/ben/dev/hydra/data
- Also set
export LD_PRELOAD=$LD_PRELOAD:/usr/lib/libflcow.so
- Run the following in your fl-cow directory to build the libflcow.so representing your FLCOW_PATH:
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr $ make $ make check $ su $ make install
To test that everything is ready, run $ LD_PRELOAD=./fl-cow/.libs/libflcow.so ./test/flcow-test
. Or :
$ make check
4. SSH
You’ll need to be able to ssh to your machine. See this separate tutorial if you need.
5. coreutils & wget
You will need both of these installed. Here I used Homebrew again:
$ brew install wget $ brew install coreutils
6. Build it with Maven
Using Maven, go to your $HYDRA_HOME
in a terminal, and run:
$ mvn -Pbdbje package
7. Fire up a Local Stack
There is a script in hydra-uber/bin
called local-stack.sh. This must be run from $HYDRA_HOME.
./hydra-uber/bin/local-stack.sh start
– start ZooKeeper./hydra-uber/bin/local-stack.sh start
– start spawn, querymaster etc../hydra-uber/bin/local-stack.sh seed
– add some sample data
8. Test it Out
Now you can go to http://localhost:5052/ and see the Spawn interface.
When done ./hydra-uber/bin/local-stack.sh
stop will stop everything except ZooKeeper, and running stop a second time will bring that process down as well.
More to come on jobs and querying!