What is JavaScript promise? A JavaScript promise is an object that represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation.
Tag: javascript
How to Use Property Matchers on Dynamic Values in Jest Tests
Learn how to utilize property matchers in Jest Snapshot testing when the values in the object change, such as IDs or timestamps, to build resilient tests.
Simple Javascript Library for Distributed Tracing Propagation in Node
I wrote the library @oracle/trace-propagation to simplify passing trace information (tracing propagation) through a node service.
How to Convert a JavaScript Date to UTC Format
I recently had a problem where I wanted to convert my JavaScript Date to UTC format instead of local server time. In the browser, the Date’s representation will be in the host machine’s local time zone. If you are trying to take a server response Date string and perform logic, then you may experience some […]
Browserify and ReactJS
Entering into using Browserify for the first time demands an answer to an important question — What is Browserify? Browserify simplifies dependencies management and usage of your Javascript application by utilizing commonJS import formats (require(‘modules’)) and bundling them with your app for deployment. It’s kind of funky to say, and yes several times I referenced […]
BasicAuthentication with AngularJS and DropWizard
DropWizard is an amazing tool for quickly creating deployable web applications. AngularJS is “HTML enhanced for web apps!” Endeavoring to put them together is pretty easy, but I recently ran into one more complex piece of functionality — user authentication. DropWizard ships with authentication options, the first of which I’ll describe implementing, Basic Authentication. Put […]
Getting displays for IDs in EXT-JS
How to get the value from a combobox to use as a display text
Events for EXT-JS
There are many events in EXT-JS to which you can ascribe listeners to do some neat things. But to which event should you attach functionality? Well, some are pretty clear, such as the select event on the selection model of a grid, allowing you to do things with a row selection. Or using mouseover to […]
Formatted Number Column in EXT-JS Grid
The standard display of a number in a grid panel contains no delimiters or decimals. If you want to add one, you can apply a renderer to the column. [code language=”javascript”] { header : ‘Total Population’, dataIndex : ‘population’, width:70, renderer : function() { return Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer(‘0,000’); } } [/code] I prefer to externalize this to […]
Introduction to EXT-JS
I’d like to provide a quick tutorial on using EXT-JS. This should be helpful for users creating a site from scratch, or looking to incorporate EXT-JS’s features into an existing site. 1. What Else Should You Start? First, download the desired version from Sencha’s website! The releases can be found here. I will be demonstrating […]